Trail Life USA Blog

Trail Life USA Honors American Veterans and Celebrates Duty to God and Country

Written by Press Release | May 27, 2024

Trailmen in over 1,100 Troops across the country honor America's fallen heroes.

As America prepares to give tribute to fallen heroes on Memorial Day, Trail Life USA ( CEO Mark Hancock encourages all Americans to honor veterans, and reaffirms Trail Life’s dedication to inspire patriotism and build character in boys across America.
Hancock said, "Too often instead of exalting men for their courageous contributions, our culture is dismissing the heroism of fathers and forefathers and choosing instead to emphasize their shortcomings. At Trail Life USA, we teach about the character, faith, fortitude, and pioneering spirit of the men and women who made America great. We instill character, honor, and a sense of duty to God and others. Theodore Roosevelt said, 'No one can be a good American unless he is a good citizen, and every boy ought to train himself so that as a man he will be able to do his full duty to the community... {to} act in a way that will give them a country to be proud of.' These principles are foundational to the mission of Trail Life USA."
Hancock continued, "Every year on Memorial Day, Trailmen across America honor those in our military, who put their lives on the line to defend our country and our freedom. We hold those men and women in the highest esteem. Whether marching in a parade, cleaning a monument, serving meals, or working with the Veterans of Foreign Wars, young men are engaging with veterans, learning about our heritage, and honoring the proud legacy of our country.
"The Trail Life USA oath begins with the words, 'On my Honor.' As boys engage with our veterans and witness character in their leaders, they come to understand the meaning of honor as it is lived out before them. The oath they take to 'do my best to serve God and my country; To respect authority; To be a good steward of creation; And to treat others as I want to be treated' takes on new meaning. As boys see an honorable example of masculinity lived out before them, they grow to become honorable men."
Hancock concluded, "Here at Trail Life, we challenge boys to grow as courageous men of character as they discover, learn and grow through outdoor adventure and intentional mentoring. We think that the drive and daring of boys is exactly what's responsible for producing winning, determined, respectful, honoring men, and we are proud to foster that in boys across America."
This weekend, make time to reflect on the proud history of our country. Honor those who have sacrificed so much, and challenge the boys in your life to do the same. Give them a vision of manhood that is bravery harnessed by wisdom, action tethered by self-restraint, self-assertion marked by self-control, and honor clothed in humility. Highlight men who were willing to risk all, yet were tempered by a learned discernment. Teach them about strength that is characterized by both self-denial and self-respect. Ultimately point them to the example of Christ who stood for truth, acted with courage and conviction, lived for the glory of God, and made the ultimate sacrifice for those He loved.
Trail Life's unique program is spreading rapidly across the nation. Trail Life recently celebrated it's 1,000th Troop, with tens of thousands of boys and their families being positively impacted by the Trail Life message. Through tried-and-true methodology, Trail Life offers boy-focused, adventure-driven solutions delivered in the context of a Christian worldview that encourages boys to embrace what makes them unique and build strong relationships with other boys, mentors, and most importantly, Christ.
Trail Life USA has received praise from some of today's top Christian voices, including Focus on the Family, Franklin Graham, James Dobson, Mike Huckabee, Alex and Stephen Kendrick, Family Life, Promise Keepers, the American Family Association, and many others.
Trail Life USA is the premier national character development organization for young men, producing godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens. Trail Life's mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. Troops exist in all 50 states and are growing as Trail Life USA expands around the country. Find a Troop or Start a Troop in your community! 
Trail Life USA's K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man's skills. A robust awards program motivates young men to grown on a personal level to become role models and leaders among their peers. Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.