'We owe it to the next generation to reach back and lay claim to the time-tested generational biblical values that shaped the best of us - values like truth, courage, respect, faith, sacrifice, and service'
Trail Life USA (TrailLifeUSA.com), the largest Christ-centered, boy-focused scout-type organization in the country, is proud to announce their partnership with the national Museum of the Bible, a global, innovative, educational institution whose purpose is to invite all people to engage with the transformative power of the Bible.
Mark Hancock, CEO of Trail Life, stated, "Trail Life USA is pleased to partner with the Museum of the Bible to bring hands-on adventure to boys across the nation. It is the mission of Trail Life USA to guide generations of courageous young me to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure, and we hope this unique partnership with the Museum of the Bible will create opportunities for boys to delve deeper into their faith."
Making its grand opening to the public in November 2017, Museum of the Bible’s 430,000-square-foot building is located just three blocks from the US Capitol in Washington, DC. Museum of the Bible aims to be among the most technologically advanced and engaging museums in the world. Showcasing rare and fascinating artifacts spanning 4,000 years of history, the museum offers visitors an immersive and personalized experience with the Bible and its ongoing impact on the world.
This new and unique partnership will give Trail Life USA Troops invaluable insight into the many remarkable exhibits at the museum, and one-of-a-kind events and activities that are already underway.
Hancock concluded, "Here at Trail Life, we challenge boys to grow as courageous men of character as they discover, learn, and grow through outdoor adventure and intentional mentoring. We think that the drive and daring of boys is exactly what's responsible for producing winning, determined, respectful, honoring men, and we are proud to foster that in boys across America.
"We owe it to the next generation to reach back and claim to the time-tested generational biblical values that shaped the best of us - values like truth, courage, respect, faith, sacrifice, and service. We must establish in boys a hope for their future grounded in truth, and driven by an identity that goes beyond appearance, popularity, physical prowess, intellectual ability, success, or failure."