Press Release

Mentoring Parenting Masculinity

The Tools to Help Young Men Strengthen Their Muscles of Faith

While both male and female students were impacted by the numerous negative effects of COVID, Trail Life USA CEO Mark Hancock says boys were hit particularly hard. It is traditionally perceived that girls learn faster than boys, and Hancock says the pandemic set boys back even further both academically and spiritually.
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Stephen Ashton

Leadership Masculinity History

George Washington: Humility

"O eternal and everlasting God, direct my thoughts, words and work. Wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the lamb, and purge my heart by thy Holy Spirit . . . daily frame me more and more into the likeness of thy son Jesus Christ, that living in thy fear, and dying in thy favor, I may in thy appointed time ...
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Press Release

In The News

Trail Life USA Points Boys to the Christmas Hope of Glory

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men. As another Christmas season is upon us, we reflect on how Christmas demonstrates the hope of glory as God manifested Himself in the form of a baby in a manger. Fully God and fully man, Jesus Christ came, not only to show us Who God is, but to show us ...
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Stephen Ashton

Masculinity History

William Bradford

"Our fathers were Englishmen who came over the great ocean, and were ready to perish in this wilderness; but they cried unto the Lord, and He heard their voice, and looked on their adversity. ... Let them therefore praise the Lord, because He is good, and His mercies endure forever. Yea, let them that have been ...
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Mark Hancock

Let Boys be Boys Masculinity History

Leaving a Legacy: The Power of History in the Hearts of Boys

Until recently, boys grew up emulating real-life heroes who seemed larger than life. Coonskin caps and six-shooters were the uniforms of boyhood. Boys were enthralled with tales about Daniel Boone, John Glenn, and Davy Crockett. Flannelgraph images taught us about the courage of Noah, the faith of Moses, and the ...
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Stephen Ashton


Trail Life USA Honors American Veterans and Encourages Patriotism in Boys

CEO Mark Hancock: ‘We think the drive and daring of boys is exactly what’s responsible for producing winning, determined, respectful, honoring men, and we are proud to foster that in boys across America’
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Press Release

In The News

Trail Life Volunteer Men Step up to Plan Unforgettable Event for Over 1,300 Boys and their Mentors

Trail Life USA Holds Largest Volunteer Planned Event to Date Recently, Trail Life hosted its largest gathering of men and boys yet. Trail Life’s Daniel Boone Base Camp saw 1,350 fathers, sons, and mentors from seven different states gather and pitch tents together for a weekend of axe throwing, pugil stick battles, ...
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Stephen Ashton

Masculinity History

Eric Liddell

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to take the prize. Everyone who competes in the games trains with strict discipline. They do it for a crown that is perishable, but we do it for a crown that is imperishable. - 1 Cor 9:24-25
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Stephen Ashton

Masculinity History

God's Smuggler - Brother Andrew

"If your vision doesn't scare you, then both your vision and your God are too small." -Brother Andrew As a boy, Brother Andrew dreamed of being an undercover spy who worked behind enemy lines. As a man he found himself working undercover for God. His mission was filled with danger, financed by faith, and marked by the ...
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