Matt Gidney

Let Boys be Boys Troop Adventures Masculinity

Trailmen Don't Hibernate!

There's No Offseason for Adventure When the world falls asleep beneath a blanket of snow, when bears slumber in their dens and squirrels hunker down, waiting for warmer days—boys see something different. To them, winter is a blank canvas for adventure.
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Matt Gidney

Let Boys be Boys Troop Adventures Masculinity

Yukon Adventure: Mud, Mayhem, and the Measure of a Trailman

The rain started the night before, a steady drumbeat on the tents that turned the ground into a quagmire by morning. But no amount of mud was going to dampen the spirits of the Trailmen. This was the Yukon Adventure—one of Trail Life’s longest-running and most challenging events—and they had come prepared.
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Joleen Steel

Parenting Let Boys be Boys

Building Grit in Boys

“I can do it.” These simple words carry an incredible weight, shaping character and preparing young boys to navigate life’s inevitable challenges. In an age where instant gratification and constant comfort are readily available, instilling grit and resilience in our sons has never been more important.
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Press Release

In The News Let Boys be Boys

Trail Life USA Gives Boys Christ-Centered Summer Fun & Faith

During the summer season, families make vacation plans with a singular aim: to get outside. And it’s little wonder why. In a culture where the day-to-day business is conducted inside and dominated by devices offering synthetic experiences, Americans are recognizing the value in genuinely connecting with people and the ...
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Stephen Ashton

Mentoring Let Boys be Boys Masculinity

Letting Boys be Boys in a “Toxic” Culture

No matter what our culture says, boys and girls are different. Discussions about “toxic masculinity,” a blurring of gender lines, fewer and fewer fathers in the home, and the watering down or extinction of programs that train and equip boys to become men have left too many boys frustrated, fearful, and floundering in ...
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Mark Hancock

Let Boys be Boys Masculinity History

Leaving a Legacy: The Power of History in the Hearts of Boys

Until recently, boys grew up emulating real-life heroes who seemed larger than life. Coonskin caps and six-shooters were the uniforms of boyhood. Boys were enthralled with tales about Daniel Boone, John Glenn, and Davy Crockett. Flannelgraph images taught us about the courage of Noah, the faith of Moses, and the ...
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Stephen Ashton

In The News Parenting Let Boys be Boys

Struggling Boy Finds Hope, Purpose, and Self-Worth through Trail Life Mentors

Trail Life mentors inspire young boy not only to find the will to live, but to help others around him In a society where the lines between masculine and feminine are constantly blurred, brash boyish bluster and boisterousness is losing its place. Feeling unappreciated, too boys are losing their identity. Traditional ...
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Let Boys be Boys Troop Adventures

Alaskan Summer Adventures Create Lasting Memories

At Trail Life, Outdoor Experiences Cultivate Leadership Skills, Character Building, and Stronger Relationships
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Mark Hancock

Mentoring Let Boys be Boys Masculinity

Be a Real Life Hero

Boys need heroes. Until recently, boys grew up emulating real-life heroes who seemed larger than life. Coonskin caps and six-shooters were the uniforms of boyhood. Boys were enthralled with tales about Teddy Roosevelt, John Glenn, and Davy Crockett. Flannelgraph images taught us about the courage of Noah, the faith of ...
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