Matt Gidney

Let Boys be Boys Troop Adventures Masculinity

Trailmen Don't Hibernate!

There's No Offseason for Adventure When the world falls asleep beneath a blanket of snow, when bears slumber in their dens and squirrels hunker down, waiting for warmer days—boys see something different. To them, winter is a blank canvas for adventure.
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Matt Gidney

Let Boys be Boys Troop Adventures Masculinity

Yukon Adventure: Mud, Mayhem, and the Measure of a Trailman

The rain started the night before, a steady drumbeat on the tents that turned the ground into a quagmire by morning. But no amount of mud was going to dampen the spirits of the Trailmen. This was the Yukon Adventure—one of Trail Life’s longest-running and most challenging events—and they had come prepared.
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Stephen Ashton

Parenting Masculinity

Off the Trail:  Step into the Unknown

There’s something about the masculine soul that craves risk and adventure. Men weren’t created for monotony. In a world that often feels too structured and predictable, there is deep longing to step outside the box, break free from the mundane, embrace the unpredictable, and rise to the challenge. It isn’t ...
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Matt Gidney

Troop Adventures Masculinity

Troop CA-0110: Adventure, Worship, and Fortitude in the California High Sierra

A chill swept through the morning air as the Trailmen laced up their boots. The crew from Troop CA-0110 stood on the edge of Agnew Meadows, eyes cast toward the distant peaks that stretched across the California High Sierra. Their journey would take them over fifty rugged miles, pushing them up to 11,000 feet, testing ...
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Stephen Ashton

Masculinity History

Jim Elliot

"Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." —Jesus (John 15:13)— "Forgive me for being so ordinary while claiming to know so extraordinary a God," chronicled Jim Elliot in his journal. "We are so utterly ordinary, so commonplace, while we profess to know a Power the Twentieth ...
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In The News Mentoring Parenting Leadership Masculinity

Introducing Fathers & Families™: Empowering Men to Lead with Purpose

Trail Life USA proudly announces the launch of Fathers & Families™, a transformative ministry initiative designed to equip men to rediscover their God-given identity, embrace their influence, and lead with confidence in their families, churches, and communities. Rooted in the principles of identity, community, and ...
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Stephen Ashton

Masculinity History

William Bradford

"Our fathers were Englishmen who came over the great ocean, and were ready to perish in this wilderness; but they cried unto the Lord, and He heard their voice, and looked on their adversity. ... Let them therefore praise the Lord, because He is good, and His mercies endure forever. Yea, let them that have been ...
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Scott Clough

Parenting Troop Adventures Masculinity

Reindeer Soup: Doing Hard Things and the Journey to Manhood

How did I end up in the middle of Iceland with two sons and a bag of freeze-dried reindeer soup in my backpack? Let's start with the obvious - the boys in our Troop are ambitious and the leaders are crazy. But there's logic to our insanity and I think the other dads would agree with me on this. Let me explain.
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Stephen Ashton

Leadership Masculinity History

George Washington: Lead with Integrity

"O eternal and everlasting God, direct my thoughts, words and work. Wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the lamb, and purge my heart by thy Holy Spirit . . . daily frame me more and more into the likeness of thy son Jesus Christ, that living in thy fear, and dying in thy favor, I may in thy appointed time ...
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