Joel Davidson

In The News

Trail Life USA: A Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused Mentoring Adventure

A RETURN TO SCOUTING’S ROOTS The Trail Life movement represents a return to the founding principles of youth scouting as articulated by Lord Robert Baden-Powell, a British army officer and founder of the modern youth scouting movement.
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Stephen Ashton

In The News

MinistryWatch Highlights Trail Life USA as a “Shining Light.”

This week in MinistryWatch, an independent donor advocate facilitating the information needs of donors and providing information on charitable organizations, highlighted Trail Life USA as a “Shining Light.” The following is an excerpt from a MinistryWatch email:
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Chris Woodward

In The News Parenting

Recent Shootings Highlight America’s Fatherhood Crisis

“The fix for this stuff isn’t gun control and all the other things we’re debating,” Trail Life USA CEO Mark Hancock told The Todd Starnes Show. “It’s fathers and father-likes that step up and find ways to provide moral, strong, clear, leadership.”
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Warren Cole Smith

In The News

Breakpoint – Trail Life USA Celebrates Dramatic Growth

In September 2013, more than 1,200 mostly male voices sang the rousing hymn “In Christ Alone” to kick off the first meeting on Sept. 7 of Trail Life USA (TLUSA). This new group wanted to be a Christian alternative to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).
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Stephen Ashton

In The News Mentoring Parenting Let Boys be Boys Masculinity

A Boy’s World: Raising Strong, Godly, Courageous Men

These days there is a lot of pressure to “civilize” boys, to make them less strong and aggressive. Today we we want to talk about the uniqueness of raising boys in this culture, where there is confusion about masculinity and femininity, where there is confusion about what it is supposed to look like.
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Stephen Ashton

In The News Let Boys be Boys

Trail Life USA CEO on Eric Metaxas Show

Eric Metaxas and Trail Life CEO, Mark Hancock, discuss culture, boyhood, masculinity, leadership, and the rapid growth of Trail Life USA on the Eric Metaxas Radio Show. Watch the podcast below or read the abridged transcript that follows.
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Todd Starnes

In The News

National Guard Bans Trail Life USA Troop Citing Religious Beliefs

A National Guard facility in Pennsylvania refused to allow a Trail Life USA scouting troop to tour their facility because of the group’s religious affiliation.
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Stephen Ashton

In The News Let Boys be Boys

Podcast: Making Room for Boys, with Mark Hancock and Trail Life USA

It isn’t politically correct to say so, but reality is what it is: Boys and girls are different. Physiologically, psychologically, and emotionally. They learn differently and have different motivations. And these days, in a world that is increasingly designed for girls, boys are suffering—in education, socially, and ...
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Brent Adams

In The News Mentoring Let Boys be Boys Troop Adventures

River Adventure Helps boys in Building Character

While many of their peers were hunkered down in their air-conditioned homes, engaged in Fortnite battles or Snapchat conversations, a group of middle school students braved the elements to experience a side of Kentucky few people ever see.
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