Stephen Ashton

Mentoring Masculinity History

Theodore Roosevelt: Character and Success

Bodily vigor is good, and vigor of intellect is even better, but far above both is character. In the long run, in the great battle of life, no brilliancy of intellect, no perfection of bodily development, will count when weighed in the balance against that assemblage of virtues, active and passive, of moral qualities, ...
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Steve Meyer and 1 more

Mentoring Troop Adventures Masculinity

Mettle on the Mountain: A Story of Courage and Providence

"Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." - Romans 5:3-4 The weather on the mountain was brutal. The windchill was at four degrees below zero. Forty mile per hour winds hurled snow and ice pellets straight down the mountain. Whiteout conditions had set in. One climber after ...
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Stephen Ashton

Masculinity History

The Power of Christian Young Men

A 1914 Address to the Christian Men's Association "When I think of an association of Christian young men I wonder that it has not already turned the world upside down. I wonder, not that it has done so much, for it has done a great deal, but that it has done so little; and I can only conjecture that it does not ...
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Stephen Ashton

Mentoring Parenting Let Boys be Boys Masculinity

3 Keys to Growing Confident Men of Character

1. Cultivate Relationships Boys need dads who remember the world of backyard matchbox cars. Who can recall the time when dirt roads were carved from mulch beds, rocks became doughnut shops, cars drove to the tops of trees, and perils awaited in the grass jungles.
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Glenn T. Stanton

Parenting Masculinity

The Making of a Man

Manhood is in crisis today. The increasingly accurate term “perpetual adolescence” is not a reference to girls failing to grow up. We intuitively know it refers to 20- and 30-something men. Men are falling behind women in college enrollment and graduation; they’re increasingly unemployed; and traditionally ...
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Leadership Masculinity History

Qualities of a Leader: George Washington's Rules of Civility

Happy President's Day from Trail Life! Today we celebrate the men who have lead our country and honor our first president—Statesman, Military General, and Founding Father of the United States of America.
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Dennis Rainey

Mentoring Parenting Masculinity

A Call to Courageous Manhood

Boyhood is a time of daring adventure, exploration, action and personal growth – that’s why adventure is a fundamental part of Trail Life’s mission. Adventure is a terrific way to capture the heart of a boy and teach important life lessons. Boys need godly men to lead the way. A boy without a mentor showing him the ...
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Stephen Ashton

Mentoring Masculinity

Christmas Masculinity

Christmas is a remarkable opportunity to talk with boys and young men about the example of Christ. What did it mean for him to become a man? What character traits did he display? What was unique about the life he lived? What implications does his life have for us as men?
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Bill Holland

Mentoring Parenting Masculinity

Mentoring, Fatherly Affirmation, and Trail Life USA

As a young man in high school and college, I stopped going hunting with my dad because I was just too busy, I got married and had kids. Classic adult excuses, but I just didn’t think about hunting until one fall day in 2011. Visiting with my Dad one day, out of the blue he asked if I was interested in going elk ...
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