Matt Gidney
Let Boys be Boys Troop Adventures Masculinity
The rain started the night before, a steady drumbeat on the tents that turned the ground into a quagmire by morning. But no amount of mud was going to dampen the spirits of the Trailmen. This was the Yukon Adventure—one of Trail Life’s longest-running and most challenging events—and they had come prepared.
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Matt Gidney
“Why would I wait for ‘someone’ to address the issues I see, when I am indeed someone?” -Trailman, Cash Daniels
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Matt Gidney
A chill swept through the morning air as the Trailmen laced up their boots. The crew from Troop CA-0110 stood on the edge of Agnew Meadows, eyes cast toward the distant peaks that stretched across the California High Sierra. Their journey would take them over fifty rugged miles, pushing them up to 11,000 feet, testing ...
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Matt Gidney
In the summer of 1900, on the dusty plains of Mafeking, South Africa, Colonel Robert Baden-Powell surveyed his unlikely army. It wasn’t only the British soldiers stationed with him that caught his attention—it was a cadre of young boys, the Mafeking Cadet Corps, carrying messages and supplies through dangerous ...
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Matt Gidney
It was the summer of 2023. Troop ID-0412 had just finished scaling Borah Peak, the highest point in Idaho at 12,662 feet. Just a year before, they’d tackled Mt. Adams in Washington, a 12,281-foot volcano. The crew sat around by the river, airing out sore feet by the fire and jubilantly reflecting on their shared ...
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Matt Gidney
In The News Service Leadership
Amid the smoke and chaos of the wildfires raging through Los Angeles, with entire neighborhoods reduced to ashes and families torn from their homes, a group of Trail Life volunteers stood in the gap, bringing hope to desperate people in need. On Saturday, January 11, as fire crews battled the flames and the National ...
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Joleen Steel
“I can do it.” These simple words carry an incredible weight, shaping character and preparing young boys to navigate life’s inevitable challenges. In an age where instant gratification and constant comfort are readily available, instilling grit and resilience in our sons has never been more important.
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Matt Gidney
Leadership Troop Adventures History
“Twenty more miles,” Caleb murmured, feeling the weight of each stroke. The Missouri River stretched endlessly ahead, and he wasn’t sure how much more his arms—or spirit—could take. He looked over at Ricky, First Officer of the expedition, whose own strength and resolve seemed to bolster everyone’s spirits. Together, ...
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Matt Gidney
“For this reason I have sent to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord.” - 1 Corinthians 4:17 The story of Paul and Timothy is more than ancient history; it’s a timeless tale of mentorship, love, and a legacy that reaches through the ages to inspire us today. Paul’s relationship with Timothy was ...
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