Mark Hancock, CEO: ‘Boys were designed by their Creator to be doers’
In early May a devastating tornado pummeled Barnsdall, a small town northeast of Oklahoma City. Experts surveying the damage classified the tornado as an EF-4 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale, where powerful winds can reach 200 mph. The resulting damage was catastrophic, with one confirmed death and multiple injuries, a loss of water and electric utilities and leveled homes and buildings.
In the aftermath of the storm, volunteers stepped up to help local officials begin the long process of recovery. A number of those volunteers were from a Trail Life USA ( troop in nearby Bartlesville.
The boys arrived early in the morning following the storm to help with cleanup, sorting through debris and filling trucks with rubble. Some Trailmen worked on a street where virtually no house was left standing. Others assisted the elderly in fixing damage from a broken window or roof.
“We’re just here to help out the helpers,” said Trailman, Jacob Hitchcock. “I think it’s devastating that families have lost their homes.”
Trailman Jaxx Anaya stated that he worked to serve God and others and lighten the load for officials who were helping clean up the debris. “Because they need to get stuff done and when they can deal it to other people, then that really helps them,” he said.
The Trailmen who served the community of Barnsdall were touched in so many ways; from finding personal keepsake items, to discovering a bible unscathed among the rubble of a house. The young men met families who were effected, working alongside them to clean up the rubble while and hearing their stories of having to huddle under mattresses as their home were ripped apart. These families were encouraged to see young men engaging with and helping their community, with one man commenting that their efforts gave him hope for the next generation of men.
David LaGorce, Troop Ministry Liaison of Trail Life USA Troop OK-2206, credits God for the positive impact the Troop made. “A lesson for our entire Troop has been responding when God guides us and trusting him to make things happen. It was a lesson that each person only needs to be obedient to follow what God has put on their heart individually, and he will orchestrate the body to achieve his purpose. We utilized our Troop resources to create a communications channel, and we organized an emergency meeting to determine how we could best have a positive impact, then we executed the plan.”
According to Trail Life CEO Mark Hancock, it’s defining moments such as this that reflect the need for young men who will readily move from ideals to action.
Hancock shared, “As Christians, our ideals come from the Bible. This is one of the reasons why the Trail Life USA program has faith interwoven throughout the curriculum as well as a supplementary curriculum designed to help boys learn more about God. Reading and hearing about God are important, but the muscles of faith are strengthened through action.”
Trail Life is the largest Christian scouting alternative for boys in America, offering a church-based, Christ-centered approach to discipleship. With over 1,000 troops meeting across the country, the organization provides boys crucial time outside to hike, camp, explore, solve problems and develop skills.
Hancock remarked, “Hands-on problem solving, action, outdoor exploration and adventure make men out of boys, because that is how boys grow — through activity and experience.”
Trail Life was created to engage, equip and empower boys to function from their innate design: to do.
Hancock shared, "Boys were designed by their Creator to be doers. Boys need action and purpose. Hands-on problem solving, action, outdoor exploration and adventure make men out of boys because that is how boys grow — through activity and experience."
Trail Life celebrates what makes boys unique and provides them with a safe space to explore the concept of masculinity while building relationships with mentors and peers, learning leadership skills and exploring the great outdoors.
Hancock observed, “In Trail Life, boys are mentored by caring adults who intentionally equip them to rise to the occasion and lead in moments where preparation meets opportunity.”
Ideals. Faith. Purpose. In today’s world, these values are in short supply. But Trail Life is committed to pushing back against the cultural tide that seeks to minimize and trivialize Biblical masculinity, and invest in a new generation of men who will answer the call to boldly live out their God-given design and mandate.
Hancock said, “In a culture that seems to dismiss biblical masculinity more and more, Trail Life USA provides a way to not just survive this cultural tide, but to turn back the tide itself by raising confident, capable, Christian men.”
Trail Life USA has received praise from some of today’s top Christian voices, including Focus on the Family, Franklin Graham, James Dobson, Mike Huckabee, Alex and Stephen Kendrick, Family Life, Promise Keepers, the American Family Association, and many others.
Trail Life USA is the premier national character development organization for young men, producing godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens. Trail Life’s mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. Troops exist in all 50 states and are growing as Trail Life USA expands around the country. Find a Troop today, or Start a Troop in your community. Find out more at