Stephen Ashton

Masculinity History

Eric Liddell

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to take the prize. Everyone who competes in the games trains with strict discipline. They do it for a crown that is perishable, but we do it for a crown that is imperishable. - 1 Cor 9:24-25
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Stephen Ashton

Masculinity History

God's Smuggler - Brother Andrew

"If your vision doesn't scare you, then both your vision and your God are too small." -Brother Andrew As a boy, Brother Andrew dreamed of being an undercover spy who worked behind enemy lines. As a man he found himself working undercover for God. His mission was filled with danger, financed by faith, and marked by the ...
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Stephen Ashton

Masculinity History

Jim Elliot

"Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." —Jesus (John 15:13)— "Forgive me for being so ordinary while claiming to know so extraordinary a God," chronicled Jim Elliot in his journal. "We are so utterly ordinary, so commonplace, while we profess to know a Power the Twentieth ...
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Stephen Ashton


Harry Hoosier

“I sing by faith, pray by faith, and do everything by faith. Without faith in Jesus Christ, I can do nothing.” -Harry Hoosier Born a slave in North Carolina, before the end of the American Revolution, Harry Hoosier was a free man, a follower of Christ, a nationally known preacher, one of the greatest circuit riders of ...
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B. Nathanial Sulllivan


George Mueller: FAITH

"Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends." —George Müeller—
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Stephen Ashton


William Wilberforce: COURAGE

“If you love someone who is ruining his or her life because of faulty thinking, and you don't do anything about it because you are afraid of what others might think, it would seem that rather than being loving, you are in fact being heartless.” - William Wilberforce
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Press Release

In The News Parenting

Trail Life USA Believes In Biblical Foundation Boys Need to Become Men

A recent Pew Research Center study revealed a troubling truth about the state of the faith of Americans — from 2009 to 2019 the percentage of Americans who described themselves as Christians was down 12% while the religiously unaffiliated share of the population, consisting of people who describe their religious ...
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Stephen Ashton


Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Truth

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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Stephen Ashton

In The News Parenting Let Boys be Boys

Struggling Boy Finds Hope, Purpose, and Self-Worth through Trail Life Mentors

Trail Life mentors inspire young boy not only to find the will to live, but to help others around him In a society where the lines between masculine and feminine are constantly blurred, brash boyish bluster and boisterousness is losing its place. Feeling unappreciated, too boys are losing their identity. Traditional ...
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