Raising godly boys requires men who are involved, engaged, and intentional
A recent report suggested that the collapse of fathers in the home amid decreasing marriage rates is fueling the decline in Christian faith in America. As the country looks to celebrate Father’s Day, Trail Life USA (TrailLifeUSA.com) is encouraging men to prioritize being a dad (or a dad-like figure) to make a difference by entering a boy’s world.
“A great deal of attention has been given to the epidemic of absent or disengaged fathers,” said Trail Life CEO Mark Hancock. “But a remnant is rising. In Trail Life USA, nearly 15,000 men across the country are standing in the gap and utilizing outdoor adventure as a tool to lead men and boys into a life of adventure, character development, and leadership. Boys will follow a man who dares to enter their world and helps them celebrate what makes a boy unique.”
Thousands of men and dads are involved in the lives of boys and making a difference through Trail Life’s unique program. For example, one group of 22 boys and dads made an eight-hour hike with 3,500 feet of incline through snowfields to set up a base camp and get in position to summit a 11,000-foot mountain. Despite disastrous weather and flagging spirits, the boys and their fathers leaned on Romans 5 and the power of perseverance and defied the odds — they made it to the summit! What inspired most of the boys to continue was the strength, stamina, and support of the fathers in the group, giving them the courage to continue up the mountain and reach the height of the peak.
“In the outdoors, the experience of adults is never obsolete,” continued Hancock. “Here boys find mentors, fathers and sons connect, important relationships are fostered, and boys find opportunities to achieve significant accomplishments. I believe God created nature with all its inherent challenge and adventure as a place for boys to mature, learn responsibility, forge leadership, understand masculinity, and become biblically bold and courageous men as they live in community with godly men.
“Boys are searching for godly, masculine, adventurous men who are willing to lead them on the difficult journey into manhood. Our future requires that men step up for the sake of not only their sons, but boys in their community. I believe that any legitimate call to manhood MUST involve being a dad or dad-like to boys. When a man takes time out of his schedule to engage with a boy and speak encouragement, he creates a golden opportunity to reflect Christ and speak truth and meaning into his life.”
In order to give fathers the best tools possible to connect with their sons, Trail Life provides “Mentoring Connection Guides.” These unique free downloads are designed to not only teach practical skills boys need to become capable men, but also the lessons in leadership, character, and faith they need to be effective godly leaders. Trail Life encourages fathers and sons to take the time to learn about improvised tools, first aid and trauma, and outdoor cooking as a way to bond and build stronger relationships.
Trail Life’s unique program is spreading rapidly across the nation. Trail Life recently celebrated its 1,000th Troop, with tens of thousands of boys and their families being positively impacted by the Trail Life message. Through tried-and-true methodology, Trail Life offers boy-focused, adventure-driven solutions delivered in the context of a Christian worldview that encourage boys to embrace what makes them unique and build strong relationships with other boys, mentors, and most importantly, Christ.
Read the article originally published by K-Love here.