
In The News Parenting

Trail Life USA and Focus on the Family Unite to Bring ‘Fearless Under Fire’ Event this Thursday

Partnering to Equip a Generation Prepared to Live Out Their Faith
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Stephen Ashton

Mentoring Parenting Masculinity

Father's Day Reminds Us - Boys Need Courageous Godly Men

Raising Godly Boys Requires Men Who Understand the Language of Boyhood On the journey to manhood, boys need men who are involved, engaged, and intentional. This Father’s Day, Trail Life USA is encouraging men to make a diffence by taking time to enter a boy's world as a dad or a dad-like.
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Daniel Huerta - Focus on the Family

Parenting Leadership Masculinity

How Fathers Help Kids Grow

When fathers are attentive to their children, they build relationships that encourage healthy child development. Contemporary culture has minimized and marginalized the crucial role men play in the life of the family. Yet the important role of fathers in raising secure, godly, healthy, confident children cannot be ...
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Dr. Josh Mulvihill


Why Worldview Matters

A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. -Theodore Roosevelt Many Christian young people are unprepared to navigate the tidal wave of unbiblical ideas that confront them. If George Barna is correct, over 70% of Christian young people will reject their faith before they reach the age of ...
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Stephen Ashton

Parenting Let Boys be Boys History

Herbert Hoover: A Boy's Bill of Rights

There are two jobs for American boys today. One is being a boy. The other is growing up to be a man. Both jobs are important. Both are packed with excitement, great undertakings, and high adventure.
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Stephen Ashton


A Prescription for Adventure

"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning, but for children, play is serious learning.” -Fred Rogers
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Stephen Ashton

Mentoring Parenting Let Boys be Boys Masculinity

3 Keys to Growing Confident Men of Character

1. Cultivate Relationships Boys need dads who remember the world of backyard matchbox cars. Who can recall the time when dirt roads were carved from mulch beds, rocks became doughnut shops, cars drove to the tops of trees, and perils awaited in the grass jungles.
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Mark Hancock


6 Tips for Letting Boys be Boys Amid Covid-19 Concern

Across the country parents are scrambling to figure out how to help their children thrive during an unexpected extended school vacation. Keeping kids (especially boys) busy and engaged in a constrained setting can be a challenge. But it doesn't have to be a disaster.
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Stephen Ashton

Mentoring Parenting

The Outdoor Son of God

"Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray." Luke 5:16 My master was a Man, who knew The rush of rain, the drip of dew, The wistful whisper of the breeze, Night's magic and its mysteries.
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