Welcome to the intersection of faith and the culture. This is WallBuilders Live. We’re talking about all the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical, and constitutional perspective. Would the world be a better place if there were more “true” men? Where can a boy enjoy fellowship and adventure in God’s ...
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Stephen Ashton
Mentoring Parenting Masculinity
Raising Godly Boys Requires Men Who Understand the Language of Boyhood On the journey to manhood, boys need men who are involved, engaged, and intentional. This Father’s Day, Trail Life USA is encouraging men to make a diffence by taking time to enter a boy's world as a dad or a dad-like.
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Mark Hancock
Mentoring Let Boys be Boys Masculinity
Boys need heroes. Until recently, boys grew up emulating real-life heroes who seemed larger than life. Coonskin caps and six-shooters were the uniforms of boyhood. Boys were enthralled with tales about Teddy Roosevelt, John Glenn, and Davy Crockett. Flannelgraph images taught us about the courage of Noah, the faith of ...
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Wallace Bruce
Memorial Day Wallace Bruce (1844-1914) I come with chaplet woven new From May-day flowers, to fade away; You come to-night, brave boys in blue, With record bright, to last for aye.
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Dennis Rainey
Manhood is under attack at every level. In a culture where masculinity and toxicity are often synonymous. Where the media consistently portray men as abusers and buffoons, many boys are finding themselves unsure about what it means to be a man - or if they should even aspire to be one. The need for stalwart men to ...
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Stephen Ashton
Mentoring Let Boys be Boys Masculinity
No matter what our culture says, boys and girls are different. Discussions about “toxic masculinity,” a blurring of gender lines, fewer and fewer fathers in the home, and the watering down or extinction of programs that train and equip boys to become men have left too many boys frustrated, fearful, and floundering in ...
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Stephen Ashton
Bodily vigor is good, and vigor of intellect is even better, but far above both is character. In the long run, in the great battle of life, no brilliancy of intellect, no perfection of bodily development, will count when weighed in the balance against that assemblage of virtues, active and passive, of moral qualities, ...
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Mark Hancock
I am writing because I believe we are at a critical juncture for boys. It has been said, “Difficult times make strong men.” The present challenges facing our nation create a unique opportunity to cultivate the men of tomorrow. Will we grow men of character and courage who are competent to face the challenges of the ...
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Mark Hancock
Pastors and ministry leaders: Raise your hand if college or seminary prepared you for protecting children from abuse, religious liberty battles or the culture war over gender and sexuality. No? Well, you’re certainly not alone! As America seems to be transitioning to a post-Christian era, our churches and ministries ...
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