Charles Livingston

Mentoring Leadership

Servant Leadership: The Pinnacle of a Trail Life Freedom Journey

“Trail Life has been one of the most influential parts of my life. . . . As a young person, you can do many ‘activities,’ but there were no other opportunities available to me where you can learn leadership of peers in this Christ-centered environment.”
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Bill Holland

Mentoring Parenting Masculinity

Mentoring, Fatherly Affirmation, and Trail Life USA

As a young man in high school and college, I stopped going hunting with my dad because I was just too busy, I got married and had kids. Classic adult excuses, but I just didn’t think about hunting until one fall day in 2011. Visiting with my Dad one day, out of the blue he asked if I was interested in going elk ...
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Stephen Ashton

Mentoring Let Boys be Boys

What a Boy Needs

Trail Life USA ® CEO Mark Hancock talks about the differences between boys and girls and the need to have boy-specific activities in scouting. Trail Life USA, he explains, is a boy-focused scouting organization that gives boys plenty of outdoor activities to challenge them and call out their inner competitor. Click ...
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Stephen Ashton

In The News Mentoring Parenting Let Boys be Boys Masculinity

A Boy’s World: Raising Strong, Godly, Courageous Men

These days there is a lot of pressure to “civilize” boys, to make them less strong and aggressive. Today we we want to talk about the uniqueness of raising boys in this culture, where there is confusion about masculinity and femininity, where there is confusion about what it is supposed to look like.
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Stephen Ashton

Mentoring Let Boys be Boys

Family Talk: Boys in the Crossfire

In this edition of Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton talks with Trail Life CEO, Mark Hancock about the important role of Trail Life USA is playing to equip churches who engage men in using outdoor adventure as a tool to raise up young men who have a healthy understanding of biblical manhood and who are prepared to be ...
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Stephen Ashton

Mentoring Masculinity History

Theodore Roosevelt: A Letter to Boys on Manhood

No one can be a good American unless he is a good citizen, and every boy ought to train himself so that as a man he will be able to do his full duty to the community …[to] act in a way that will give them a country to be proud of.
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Brent Adams

In The News Mentoring Let Boys be Boys Troop Adventures

River Adventure Helps boys in Building Character

While many of their peers were hunkered down in their air-conditioned homes, engaged in Fortnite battles or Snapchat conversations, a group of middle school students braved the elements to experience a side of Kentucky few people ever see.
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Tim Croft

Mentoring Service

Nebraska Troop Travels to Florida to Help with Hurricane Clean-up

Levi Anderson explained his presence in Port St. Joe, hundreds of miles from his Nebraska home, in straightforward terms.
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Bryan Davis

Mentoring Parenting Masculinity

Gillette’s Toxic Masculinity Pitch: A Trail Life USA Advocate Responds

The Gillette company recently posted a short film that entreated its male customers to battle against bad behavior often associated with men. Of course, this is an important message. Men should always act against such evils. Yet, Gillette’s video has received a lot of criticism, especially from men. Where did Gillette ...
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